Thursday, October 28, 2010

Removing Makeup to Promote It

One of my distributors who does a lot of business with the "Mary Kay Ladies" (that's what they're called right?) came to me looking for something new and creative.  Her clients had done makeup bags, tote bags, pens, mugs, and some other "traditional" promo items, and were on the hunt for something new!  I showed her our #T100 Microfiber Cloth and advised it was able to remove makeup with just water.  She thought it was definitely a new idea, but wasn't sure what her clients would think. She went back to her Mary Kay Ladies and presented the idea, which was met with giggles and disbelief. As soon as I heard the news I put 5 samples in the mail and told her to give them out to the disbelievers. The distributor called me back and told me the Mary Kay Ladies wanted me to know "Game On".  They planned a makeover party for all their customers and from what I heard , "really laid on the makeup".  I got another call from my distributor the day after this makeover party, with an order for 1000pcs!  A simple case of how a sample helped sell a unique idea.

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