Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bright Colors Scare Seagulls!

Everyone loves the beach because it is so simple and relaxing! With all the products out there designed to make the sun fun, it’s important to remember simplicity when pitching products to your clients. At a recent trip to the beach I brought a few of our products along to test how they performed in the setting they were designed for. One of the products I brought for the trip was our #880 Portable Ice Bucket/Beverage Carrier.

My buddies and I stopped at the first convenience store we saw on the way to grab a bag of ice and some beverages. When we got to the beach we were able to simply kick off our shoes, grab our towels and dump the ice and drinks into the cooler. The handles were thick enough to feel nicely cushioned in my hand for the walk to the sand. We ended up using the front pocket to stow away the bottle caps to keep the beach in the same pristine condition as when we first arrived. The bucket had enough insulation to keep the drinks cold for the whole day and the seagulls seemed to be scared of the bright red color of the Beverage Carrier so they left us alone to enjoy the surf.

My favorite feature of the carrier was the integrated bottle opener. This little guy made everything so easy, since it was impossible to lose. Need I remind you that losing your bottle opener could spell disaster for the entire beach trip as you helplessly watch as your drinks slowly heat up in the sun? I also found it refreshing that it was an “old fashioned” metal opener since the trend for this kind of product seems to be heading for the ridiculous with everything from bottle opener sandals to bikinis (honestly, Google it!.... actually we'll do it for you.)

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