Thursday, October 28, 2010

Badge Holders Are A Perfect Billboard - Hot Medical Item!

Looking for an "Instant Hit" promotional item for nurses?  Let me tell you a story about a little cell phone holder that always aspired to be something more.  We brought on our item #605 Cell Phone Holder a couple years ago with the intention of it being a big seller for schools, amusement parks, camps and travel oriented promotions.  There was an order here, a sample request there, but the item never really took off the way we had hoped.  Thanks to our distributors with clients in the medical field, we were quickly turned on to the correct market for this item.  Every single medical professional wears a badge, it is how they are identified in a hospital and how security is maintained in restricted areas.  Most medical professionals are required to carry a cell phone or pager with them at all times for emergency contact.  This item brings both required i tems together in one easy to wear holder.  Our badge/cell phone holder comes with a carabiner as well as a break away lanyard.  Making it easy to wear around your neck, or if preferred can be clipped onto a coat or belt.  It also has a zippered pocket on the side that can hold keys, money, or other small items.
After seeing all the orders that were coming in for the medical industry we quickly changed our marketing plan for this item.  Now, whenever you see this item featured in our catalog or on an eblast you will see a nurse wearing it.  Sales for this item have sky rocketed and I can tell you that we continue to see about 90% of all orders for this holder coming from the medical industry.  We have also launched our #606 Cell Phone Holder which was in response to the popularity of the #605.  The #606 is the same design, only slightly larger so that it can hold many of the new smart phones.  If you have a customer in the medical industry this is must show item!

Removing Makeup to Promote It

One of my distributors who does a lot of business with the "Mary Kay Ladies" (that's what they're called right?) came to me looking for something new and creative.  Her clients had done makeup bags, tote bags, pens, mugs, and some other "traditional" promo items, and were on the hunt for something new!  I showed her our #T100 Microfiber Cloth and advised it was able to remove makeup with just water.  She thought it was definitely a new idea, but wasn't sure what her clients would think. She went back to her Mary Kay Ladies and presented the idea, which was met with giggles and disbelief. As soon as I heard the news I put 5 samples in the mail and told her to give them out to the disbelievers. The distributor called me back and told me the Mary Kay Ladies wanted me to know "Game On".  They planned a makeover party for all their customers and from what I heard , "really laid on the makeup".  I got another call from my distributor the day after this makeover party, with an order for 1000pcs!  A simple case of how a sample helped sell a unique idea.

Hey Where's Your Pen?

It seems that every time I go out to a nice restaurant I come face to the face with a "Crispy" Pen.  Now let me explain what I mean by crispy, because I know it's happened to all of us.  You go out to a nice dinner, spend over $100, and when the waitress brings the check, it is accompanied by a chewed up stick pen from "Joe's Plumbing" which may or may not have rubber bands wrapped around it.  (Whats up with the rubber bands anyway?)  This is becoming more and more common in the restaurant world and it is up to us to put a stop to it!  I have actually spoken to quite a few restaurant owners about their "pen problem" and the majority of responses has been "If I get nice pens, they get stolen". Don't let these restaurants forget, THEY WANT THEIR PENS STOLEN, and make sure it's a pen worthy of being stolen, and worthy of being talked about.  There are many distributors selling my #9545 "Triple Click" Light-Up Pen to local restaurants with great success.  These pens may be in the $1.50 sell range, but they get noticed, they get stolen, and more importantly, they get talked about.  Of course some restaurants may need baby steps back into the world of pens, and for those I have my #933 "Clicker Pens" which sell for around $0.30.

Bright Colors Scare Seagulls!

Everyone loves the beach because it is so simple and relaxing! With all the products out there designed to make the sun fun, it’s important to remember simplicity when pitching products to your clients. At a recent trip to the beach I brought a few of our products along to test how they performed in the setting they were designed for. One of the products I brought for the trip was our #880 Portable Ice Bucket/Beverage Carrier.

My buddies and I stopped at the first convenience store we saw on the way to grab a bag of ice and some beverages. When we got to the beach we were able to simply kick off our shoes, grab our towels and dump the ice and drinks into the cooler. The handles were thick enough to feel nicely cushioned in my hand for the walk to the sand. We ended up using the front pocket to stow away the bottle caps to keep the beach in the same pristine condition as when we first arrived. The bucket had enough insulation to keep the drinks cold for the whole day and the seagulls seemed to be scared of the bright red color of the Beverage Carrier so they left us alone to enjoy the surf.

My favorite feature of the carrier was the integrated bottle opener. This little guy made everything so easy, since it was impossible to lose. Need I remind you that losing your bottle opener could spell disaster for the entire beach trip as you helplessly watch as your drinks slowly heat up in the sun? I also found it refreshing that it was an “old fashioned” metal opener since the trend for this kind of product seems to be heading for the ridiculous with everything from bottle opener sandals to bikinis (honestly, Google it!.... actually we'll do it for you.)

Bendable Straws Make Mouths Happy!

I'm so excited!

Our new shipment of Acrylic Tumblers just came in and not only have we added Orange and Smoke to our colors but we also have the NEW STRAWS!!!  These straws are made out of PE plastic, which is safe, recyclable, and BPA Free, they are also..........(drum roll) BENDABLE!

People are going crazy over these soft, flexible straws.  You don't have to worry about them breaking, and you can bend the straw making it easier to drink from, no more having to tilt the cup and line up the straw.  We've also added a "stopper" about an inch up from the base of the straw, which has been molded on.  We wanted to make sure there was a way to keep the straw from being lost, but chose a molded stopper to avoid potential choking hazard issues.

I highly recommend making the switch and showing your customers why soft bendable straws are the way to go.  If you have a customer who is already ordering these from another factory, or you would like to introduce the tumbler for the first time please let us know. Click Here for Mock Up

Have fun selling these! This new straw is a perfect excuse to get back out in front of your customers and push for some reorders!